Coronavirus – FAQ – 20th March 2020

Q. Are swimming lessons still on?
A. At this stage there is no interruption to swimming lessons. In the press conference held by Prime Minister Scott Morrison on March 18 and according to the information currently available on the PM’s website, it was clearly communicated that: Settings like gyms, indoor fitness centres and swimming pools are not required to close at this time providing they meet these requirements for social distancing and hand hygiene. Please be reassured that at both Nepean Aquatic Centre and Eva Borys Swim Schools we have taken practical steps needed to comply with social distancing and hygiene requirements and remain open for business.
A link to this information can be found here:
Studies have shown that the coronavirus does not survive in chlorinated pool water. In fact it doesn’t even survive in treated drinking water. Our water chemistry is monitored by computer every 30 seconds to ensure that chemical levels remain above Health Department requirements. We also test our water manually twice per day and have our water tested by a third party laboratory once a month.
Q . I want to cancel out of lessons, can I get a refund?
A: Under our standard terms and conditions, we do not offer refunds if you choose to finish your lessons part way through a month. Due to the current circumstances we have agreed to extend the period of make-up lessons so when you return to the program, you can do the make-up lessons for the lessons you have missed.
Q. What if you’re forced to close down, can I get a refund?
A. Under Australian Consumer Law and our Terms and Conditions, customers are not entitled to a refund if we are forced by the government to close for a period of time. However, you can make those lessons up once we are allowed to re-open at a time that is convenient to you, and for an extended period of time as above.
Q. What are you doing to communicate updates to customers?
A. We continue to monitor and will react to any new advice issued by the Health Department and will communicate those updates as soon as possible.
Updates will be via Facebook, our app, on our web site and via handouts available at the front counter.
Q. How good is your cleaning regime?
A. We worked with our contract cleaners to review and improve their cleaning procedures. Cleaners will be using a new type of disinfectant to ensure that counters, amenities, door handles etc. are thoroughly cleaned each day. We will continue to review these procedures as necessary and in line with government recommendations.
Q . Council centres are closing, why are you still open?
A: Many of the council centres who have taken the decision to close are seasonal outdoor facilities and were due to close for the cooler months soon and have simply brought this date forward. Other Indoor Council facilities are generally larger leisure centres with multiple pools including water slides, splash pads & leisure pools for general play, gyms & cafes. There are multiple areas which would be considered non-essential services where the public could gather in numbers exceeding 100. Notwithstanding this, these facilities are funded by taxpayers, however as a private family business such a decision at this time would affect our future viability and the livelihood of our 90 employees. We will continue to follow official government advice with regards to remaining operational.
Q. How are you meeting requirements for social distancing and hand hygiene?
A. By providing places for parents to sit that are a minimum 1.5 metres apart in our centres and continuing to ensure that our customer traffic flow is constant, with little congregation in groups. Our classes sizes remain small, and our instructors will maintain the maximum distance from students as practicable whilst also maintaining the distance required to ensure student safety at all swimming levels.
We have taken additional steps to keep doors open to minimise touch points throughout our centres. We have several hand basins available with soap and water and will continue to provide hand sanitiser, supply permitting. Please feel free to bring your own hand sanitiser as it can be difficult for businesses to ensure supply at times under the current circumstances.
Q. How do the updated restrictions on non essential indoor gatherings affect NAC and EB?
A. With regards to further restrictions on non-essential gatherings announced by the PM on the 20th March, despite the fact that we are an essential service and these restrictions do not apply to us, we would like to reassure customers as to what that looks like in our venue. In accordance with the 4 square metre per person limit, that equates to 80 people in the NAC LTS pool hall, 10 people in the NAC viewing room, and 310 people in various areas throughout the rest of the centre. At Eva Borys Swim School, that equates to 96 people in the pool hall.
Q. How dangerous is the coronavirus to children?
A. Based on existing data from around the world, children have showed much milder symptoms than those seen in adults and the elderly. In a lot of cases the symptoms can be so mild that children haven’t even been tested as it is thought that they were suffering from a head cold.
Q. Is aquarobics and public swimming still on?
A. Yes, all programs are still running as per timetable. With regards to further restrictions on non-essential gatherings announced by the PM on the 20th March, we would like to reassure our Aquarobics customers as to what that looks like in our venue. In accordance with the 4 square metre per person limit, that equates to 80 people in the NAC LTS pool hall, or 39 in the pool. We do anticipate lower than usual attendance rates under current circumstances, and to make sure we are fully within limits, we have dropped class sizes to a maximum of 35 for all classes in the LTS pool, and 20 for Aqua Deep. We will also encourage social distancing in classes and will limit the amount of shared equipment used. All programs are currently running as per timetable. If you consider yourself in an “at risk” category as defined by the Health Department, you should reconsider the need to attend if you have any concerns. If you are feeling unwell with cold or flu symptoms, you should not attend. If the government forces us to close, we will suspend all 3 month passes & 10 visit passes until we are allowed to re-open. Over the next few weeks we will continue to monitor attendance and if need be we will modify the timetable in line with demand.
Q. I have a birthday party booked. Can I cancel it?
A. Our normal cancellation terms apply for birthday’s however we can apply your deposit as a credit to a future birthday party or as a credit for swimming lessons.
Please note that birthday parties, as opposed to swimming lessons, are deemed a non-essential gathering, which will impact on the usage of the party room at NAC only. The NAC party room will be limited to ten guests at any one time.