
(and Swim Club)

Completed our Learn to Swim program, or wish to swim competitively whilst continuing Stroke Development? Continue your swimming progression with our Squad program and/or our Swim Club.

NAC Squads

NAC swim squads offer a tiered level of structured learning and development for competitive swimmers with a clear pathway from development to performance squad training.
Multi-class athletes are welcomed and are integrated into the appropriate squad training level in accordance with their swimming ability and goal focus.

Head Coach: Sarah-Jane Weir

Enquire Now

NACSC (NAC Swim Club)

All information regarding Swim Club can be found on the website: https://nacsc.swimmingclub.org.au/

All NAC swim squad team members are required to be current financial registered members of Nepean Aquatic Centre Swim Club. Our Head Coach is the Head Coach of NACSC.

Join our socials for announcements of upcoming Come & Try Race Night events. 

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