Every year the end of summer comes up far too quickly and I find myself urging everyone to
You can swim all year round: as much as I love being outside in the summer enjoying the fresh air, sunshine, and water, there is nothing better than a swim in a heated pool followed by a hot shower in the cooler months to refresh and energise you during the day time, or relax you ready for sleep in the evening.
Swimming is low impact: whether your discomfort is from injury or ageing, your muscles and joints are cushioned in the water, supported but also met with resistance as you swim or work out. When injured, modified swimming is the perfect way to burn calories and stay toned. Swimming is an excellent calorie burner: Just 30 minutes of exercise in water is the
equivalent of approximately an hour’s non-water exercise, and you even continue to burn calories even when you’ve gotten out of the pool!
Swimming makes us happy: swimming can help improve mental well-being, reducing tension, anxiety, depression, anger, confusion and increasing energy levels. Due to the use of large muscle groups and the endorphins released, swimming always makes me feel better, physically and mentally.
Swimming is great fitness training: alongside other sports, for strength, stamina and mobility – who wouldn’t want that competitive edge out on the sporting field!
But overall, swimming is an activity that enhances a person’s life at every age and stage. Once you know how to swim, it’s a skill you can use for a lifetime, in so many settings. You can try snorkelling, playing water polo, participating in water aerobics, swimming in a triathlon, or scuba diving – and demonstrate a level of comfort and enjoyment in the water
that inspires your family, including your children, to do the same.
Swimming brings families together: whether its bonding with your baby during swimming lessons, enjoying the beach or poolside at home or on holidays, or supporting your competitive swimmer at meets, swimming time is often family time (especially as electronic devices and water don’t mix!)
Most importantly……….. swimming can save your life. That’s it. The bottom line. Improved water safety is the number one reason why I love to swim, will continue to swim regularly, all year round, and encourage others to do so too!
To make it even easier to swim with us all year round, we are offering a Special Offer in March for Western Weekender readers - get your first lesson free upon enrolment! The offer is applicable for all new enrolments and re-enrolments, and all enrolment T’s and C’s apply. Just mention the Western Weekender to get your First lesson free and enrol with us today.
See you soon at the pool.