Information regarding increased restrictions coming into place from 4pm today (23/6)
Thank you for your patience whilst we confirmed how the restrictions from 4pm today (23/6) will affect us all. The good news is it’s business as usual except for a few small (and hopefully very temporary) tweaks!
• Please wear a mask inside our facilities, both Nepean Aquatic Centre and Eva Borys Swim School, if over 12 years of age and not participating in an aquatic activity.
• Our staff will also be wearing masks except for Learn to Swim Instructors, Coaching staff, Aquarobics instructors and Lifeguards, who need to give continual verbal instruction for educational and safety reasons.
• Please ensure the 4 metre square rule is to be adhered to at all times. We will not yet move to only allowing 1 parent per child, and will keep you updated if the advice from NSW Health changes.
• Aquarobics numbers will be restricted to 20 in each Aqua class, as previously.
• We will continue our stringent cleaning and sanitising measures we have had in place since the beginning of the pandemic to keep your family safe in our facilities.
Fingers crossed that these restrictions will be short lived and we hope that your school holiday plans have not been too disrupted.
If you have any questions or feedback please do not hesitate to contact us, via phone, Facebook or email –
Just keep swimming! 😊