Fast track your child’s swimming skills to make them safer!

Lots of our students do very well with the popular learn to swim approach of a half hour group lesson once a week, with consistency being the key to success. However, we are finding that many of our customers are changing to 2 lessons per week, either in a row or on different days, as the more lessons children do per week, the quicker they will progress, and the safer they will be.
Multiple lessons per week are a great way to fast track your child’s swimming skills, or make up for any time missed in the water. The time a child actually spends in the water each week directly impacts on the time it will take for the child to learn to swim, with more frequent repetition of skills often achieving results more quickly, plus multiple lessons per week are great for increasing and maintaining fitness! There are also advantages out of the pool – a study from Griffith University found that children who swim demonstrate more advanced cognitive and physical abilities than other children – so it stands to reason the more time spent swimming, the more benefit children will experience towards learning outcomes both in and out of the pool.
Multiple lessons can provide a more flexible approach to swimming lessons, especially appealing to some families at different times of the year – in winter to maintain fitness if the child plays a summer sport, before going away on a holiday, before school carnivals, after a break from lessons to catch up, etc. Plus, multiple lessons can also be a more affordable way to increase your child’s swimming skills – second lessons are only $10 each, so if you do 2 lessons per week it brings the price down to under $15 per lesson. Further sibling discounts apply so multiple lessons can be a great way for a family to participate in swimming lessons for all children at a reduced cost.
Whilst most children thrive in a group environment, some children do better in a one on one learning scenario, however private lessons can be expensive. To address this we offer a 5 week block of Private Lessons at Eva Bory’s Swim School at a discounted price per lesson, available for all levels of student’s abilities, from absolute beginners to stroke improvement and correction.
No matter how your child best learns, there is a way for them to improve their swimming skills coming into this summer, and while we recognise that each and every child is different, they all have one thing in common – the better they can swim, the safer they will be around water.