Annual July Fee increase and the introduction of the Electricity Surcharge

IMPORTANT: Annual July fee increase & the introduction of the Electricity Surcharge You may have heard in the news that electricity prices are set to skyrocket, especially for commercial businesses. We want to be completely transparent and let you know how this increase (of a whopping 80% on last year’s energy contract costs) will affect our business. In short, we are simply not able to absorb this increase and continue to operate. We are not prepared to pass on the total increase to our customers, however as an interim measure, we have to introduce an Electricity Surcharge in order to keep our doors open. Some other pools may take measures to lower their costs such as lower pool temperatures, however we are not prepared to reduce our energy use and sacrifice our customers comfort – we need power to heat the pools to optimal learn to swim temperatures, power to filter the water and keep it crystal clear and clean, power to heat the water in the showers, power to run our air handling systems to keep the air in the pool halls warm and ventilated, etc. As a business we are provided with an electricity contract at the beginning of each financial year, and hope that by this time next year prices may have normalised – at which point we will remove or decrease the surcharge. We hope you, our valued customers, understand that we are not profiting from this increase – simply covering a portion of the increased costs to make it feasible to continue to operate into the future. If you have any queries regarding this charge, please contact As a result, from July 1, the usual annual 0.50c per lesson (to cover CPI and wage increases) will take effect, and an additional 0.50c per lesson Electricity Surcharge per lesson will also come into play. This means the lesson cost from July 1 is now increased by $1 to $18.40. Other prices are currently under review and will be announced in next months newsletter.